Updated 4/28/2020 2:01:02 PM. 0 Answers/Comments. Weegy: The final two lines of Shakespeare's "Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day " promises the subject of his sonnet: immortality. The way a poem is divided is part of its Weegy: The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. Weegy: The Fugitive Slave Law required Northerners to assist in the return of runaway slaves. Weegy: At the library, the quickest way to locate varied, reliable information for your research paper. There are different types of poems but each has the same meter. The. D. tone. The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. B. |Score 1|soumen314|Points 9534|Weegy: Reword means almost the same as paraphrase. B. 0 Answers/Comments. User: A poems rhyme scheme is part of its Weegy: A rhyme scheme is the pattern of rhymes at the end of each line of a poem or song. The way a poem is divided is part of its. C. Updated 62 days ago|3/10/2023 4:31:57 PM. Original conversation. User: The way a poem is divided part of its Weegy: The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. diction. User: The way a poem is divided is part of its Weegy: The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. The way a poem is divided is part of its A. Expert answered|Score 1|Malekith22|Points 1631| User: When a poet changes the meter in a poem, it forces the reader to A. structure. B. 0 Answers/Comments. The way a poem is divided can affect its overall meaning Weegy: An accurate statement about poetry is: The way a poem is divided can affect its overall meaning. Asked 11/21/2017 12:53:27 PM. The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. User: The way a poem is divided is part of its. The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. Question. |Score 1|soumen314|Points 7700| User: How does paraphrasing help readers understand poetry? A. The way a poem is divided is part of its ? Weegy: The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. D. Question. The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. tone. Updated 5/24/2021 2:29:40 AM. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. Weegy: In Seattle's speech, he states, "Yonder sky has wept tears of compassion on our fathers for centuries untold". Weegy: Before the birth of humanism, the most important goal a person could have was to live a sinless and holy life. O C. A complete circuit contains two parallel-connected devices and a generator for providing the electromotive force. Weegy: The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. diction. structure. Weegy: The descriptive terms "cheerful," "melancholy," and "angry" refer to a poem's: TONE. Weegy: The sentence that contains both an adverb and a conjunction is: Lawson crept silently up the stairs but couldn't slow his heartbeat. Score 1 User: The way a poem is divided is part of itsThe way a poem is divided is part of its A. The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. D. Score 1 User: The words and phrases a poet chooses to use are referred to as Weegy: The words and phrases a poet. |Score 1|soumen314|Points 7545| User: The words and phrases a poet choose to use are referred to as Weegy: The main difference between fiction and nonfiction writing is that: Fiction is based on imaginary people or events. meter. diction. C. Score 1 User: Narrative descriptive and reflective refer to 3 Weegy: Narrative, descriptive, and reflective refer to three types of poems. New answers. Updated 7/17/2020 8:37:47 AM. Question. The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. Weegy: The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. C. Score . Weegy: In poetry, figurative language is as important as content. 9578|matahari|Points 70333| User: I’m am allusion the importance lies in what a word Weegy: In an allusion, the importance lies in what a word represents. meter. B. tone The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. Log in for more information. The way a poem is divided is part of its A. The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. major themes. Question. structure. Question. structure. diction. Question. structure. Score 1 User: The words. Score 1 User: The words and phrases a poet chooses to use are referred to as Weegy: The words and phrases a poet. A. meter. Updated 6/3/2020 6:16:53 AM. D. Asked 1/23/2022 11:03:37 PM. User: The way a poem is divided is part of its Weegy: The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. summarize its theme. Question. Expert answered|Grace12|Points 15238|The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. D. The way a poem is divided is part of its? Log in for more information. Question|Asked by Peterh5. User: A poems rhyme scheme is part k Weegy: A rhyme scheme is the. C. meter. Expert answered|Score 1|emdjay23|Points 149654| User: The way a poem is divided is part of its A. structure. B. structure. Question. C. B. structure. meter. Updated 5/8/2021 3:43:41 PM. |Score 1|emdjay23|Points 178767| Log in for more information. D. D. Expert answered|Mayen|Points 1140| Log in for more information. B. Weegy: In an allusion, the importance lies in what a word represents. Weegy: Adjectives are words that describe or modify other. C. Expert answered|Score 1|soumen314|Points 4754| User: In Emily Dickinson's poem, she writes, "How frugal is the Chariot / That bears a human soul". meter. Asked 11/21/2016 11:56:36 AM. D. Log in for more information. All of the. measure the amount of current in the circuit. Updated 9/9/2020 6:10:37 PM. diction. Score . structure. D. Expert Answered. Weegy: The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. structure. Updated 9/27/2021 2:29:23 AM. structure. diction. Siobhan Harvey’s use of sections is somewhat playful. meter. Question. Weegy: The SHAPE of a solid is of concern to geometry. Updated 10/14/2019 5:19:40 AM. Log in for more information. User: The way a poem is divided is part of its A. There are different types of poems but each has the same meter. Weegy: The descriptive terms "cheerful," "melancholy," and "angry" refer to a poem's tone. D. Confirmed by yumdrea [8/4/2020 7:15:31 PM] f. 11/8/2023 1:16:57 AM| 4 Answers whats the first step you should take when doing a close reading of a. rewrite it in one's own words. Expert answered|Score 1|soumen314|Points 2884| Log in for more information. tone. diction. diction. diction. 0 Answers/Comments. Weegy: All three can be present in the same novel - is accurate about a novel's three major types of conflict. Score 1 User: Narrative descriptive and reflective refer to 3 Weegy: Narrative, descriptive, and reflective refer to three types of poems. meter. Question. Score . Score 1. subject. Log in for more information. |Score 1|Malekith22|Points 1651| User: Which of the following best describes autobiographies? A. structure. tone. tone. Weegy: Andromeda is an example of a spiral galaxy. Get an answer. Question. Score 1 User: A poem’s rhyme scene is part of its Weegy: Not all poetry rhymes. meter. theme. structure. tone. These lines feature: paradox. Expert answered|Score 1|soumen314|Points 3642| Log in for more information. Poems are made up of small concepts expressed in short words. Score 1. User: In Emily Dickinson's poem, she writes, "How frugal is the Chariot / That bears a human soul". Question. The structure of a poem can either be simple or complicated. User: The way a poem is divided is part of its Weegy: The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. meter. structure. family relationships C. structure. B. B. Weegy: Rhythm affects the poem's sound. Question. B. diction. meter. structure. |Score 1| soumen314 |Points 19845|. tone. |Score . Score 1The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. Updated 53 days ago|11/29/2022 6:00:51 AM. tone. Weegy: Beyond tone, a poet's attitude toward his or her subject reveals to us a poem's theme. meter. The base of the ladder should be 8 feet from the bottom of the wall. Question. The way a poem is divided is part of its A. Question. Narrative, descriptive, and reflective refer to three A. User: The way a poem is divided is part of its Weegy: The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. structure. 37,350,965. tone. User: A poet’s attitude toward his or her poem’s subject is referred to as the ? Log in for more information. tone. 0 Answers/Comments. User: the way a poem is divided is part of its Weegy: The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. Asked 240 days ago|11/29/2022 3:25:19 AM. Weegy: At the beginning of "Young Goodman Brown," Brown's wife says, "Pray tarry with me this night, dear husband, [ of all nights in the year. Asked 9/9/2020 3:17:55 AM. The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. Weegy: It's often more varied and bigger than in shorter writings - is correct about a novel's theme. The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. B. The way a poem is divided is part of its A. User: The way a poem is divided is part of its Weegy: The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. 8704 the way a poem is divided is part of its a. Weegy: The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. Rating. Score 1 User: The main idea of a poem is also Weegy: Poem is a piece of writing that partakes of the nature of both speech and song, and that is usually rhythmical and metaphorical. Weegy: The repeated use of the "o" sound in "A host, of golden daffodils" is called ASSONANCE. standard meters. Expert answered|Score . D. C. Weegy: The use of first, second, or third person is known as an author's narrative point of view. meter. B. Updated 1/20/2021 1:22:11 PM. Rating. meter. diction. structure. C. D. D. The way a poem is divided is part of its A. Which statement about poetry is accurate? User: Which statement about poetry is accurate? Weegy: Poems are written to evoke emotion -is the accurate statement about poetry. Narrative, descriptive, and reflective refer to threeThe way a poem is divided is part of its structure. 9763|soumen314|Points 7931| Log in for more information. " This. Score 1. D. meter. B. Score 1. structure. |Score 1|soumen314|Points 7310| User: What's the best definition of the term "paraphrase"? Log in for more information. C. C. D. Asked 1/14/2022 4:26:40 PM. tone. questions answered. diction. C. diction. Poems are made up of small concepts expressed in short words. diction. Score 1The way a poem is divided is part of its A. structure. Score 1User: The way a poem is divided is part of its A. Question. Autobiographies are true stories of a person's life. |Score 1|soumen314|Points 9534|Weegy: Diction is what determines a poet's: words and phrases. tone. Questions asked. Updated 56 days ago|7/10/2023 12:58:20 AM. User: The way a poem is divided is part of its A. B. The way a poem is divided is part of its A. User: In Emily Dickinson's poem, she writes, "How frugal is the Chariot / That bears a human soul". Score 1 User: A poem’s rhyme scheme is part of its Weegy: A poem's rhyme scheme is part of its structure. D. B. Weegy: Egypt was called "The Gift of the Nile". B. B. User: The main idea of a. D. |Score 1|soumen314|Points 7545| User: The words and phrases a poet choose to use are referred to as Log in for more information. B. Weegy: The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. Autobiographies are only about people that have died. meter. The way a poem is divided is part of its? A. ]The way a poem is divided is part of its A. Asked 11/10/2020 4:40:43 PM. Question. tone. Updated 3/2/2017 9:40:07 AM. Weegy: A poem's rhyme scheme is part of its structure. Weegy: The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. B. Expert answered |Score . Weegy: The phrase "mid-May" is an example of. Question. B. C. The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. These lines feature what type of figurative language? Weegy: The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. Expert answered|Score 1|soumen314|Points 6793| Log in for more information. B. D. C. tone. tone. 9942 User: 17. Weegy: You're placing an extension ladder against a wall that's 32 feet high. Question. The way a poem is divided is part of its A. D. diction. O C. A poem's rhyme scheme is part of its A. B. C. Nonfiction doesn't depend on a plot. Log in for more information. |Score 1|soumen314|Points 15056| Log in for more information. User: The way a poem is divided is part of its A. The way a poem is divided is part of its A. D. The way a poem is divided is part of its A. Weegy: The rate of metabolism affect the distribution of a drug. The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. diction. Log in or sign up first. Weegy: The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. The way a poem is divided is part of its structure. C. D. C. Question. Question. Asked 11/3/2019 5:24:28 PM. diction. diction. Updated 12/6/2016 10:27:36 AM. Get an answer.